blogging, is it really a load of Carp?

Friday 18 November 2011

Battersea Hound and more

Having eaten another pair of shoes in the night, he refused to take a dump this morning... perhaps stilletoes don't come out as well as they go down!?

Expecting this to be delicately deposited on my lounge carpet when I get home from work. Oh Joy.

The "Darling Neighbours" have decided that as this clearly isn't a darling area they are going to up and move. joy for us as parking wars will be seriously reduced.

Why is it that they always build newer houses with 1 car parking space when the average household has 3 cars!? don't they read those ridiculous polls they make us fill out every year?! May as well be doing it on Facebook... and yes my religion is still Jedi.
- Further waste of my precious time. Every second I spend doing that I lose a little bit more of myself!

Meanwhile the Vaccume packed pork hock's sausage continues to park behind my car. I'm far too stubborn to put a note on his car so I'm going to quietly seethe with anger about his imminent demise as I stab him in the neck with a hoof pick.

N.B in the absence of a hair tag I have tied my hair back in a knot.

- Pint required tonight.