Christmas comes at the same time every year to bring doom and gloom into peoples lives "it's all about giving" which basically means that people wonder why they have nothing?!
None the less, through all of that giving, there are more deaths as the cold weather creeps in and the government don't give old people enough in their pensions so that they can put heating on (or they've forgotten because they really should have been dead years before) so they freeze to death in their ancient armchairs
I hate Christmas because:
1. People put tree's up and play Christmas songs in NOVEMBER.... you know who you are (McSchmazel)
2. You wear a Red Coat "oooo aren't you getting all festive!!" No I'm bloody not, the coat I liked happened to be in Red so I purchased it.
3. That bloody coke advert.
4. The thought of Toenail buying a party dress for the festivities... just put tinsel on a tent, it'll be much cheaper and you'll still be a Munter.
5. The talk of Snow and having a White Christmas...
A. Realistically its only the coke heads that will enjoy that one... and I'm not referring to the advert.
B. Snow is not a good thing, supermarkets are emptied from Morons "stock pilling" food and everybody forgets that they know how to drive.
6. Eggnog .. What the fcuk is it anyway.... all I can picture is Jackass and the amount of sick that was spewed when they tried to eat millions of hard boiled eggs... in fact I can smell the result
7. The festive real tree fake tree argument! WHO CARES!??!
8. Police being everywhere and people forgetting how to drive.
9. Holly. It's just a violent tree that isn't a Christmas tree.
10.The justification of behaving like a total COCK because you are "just a big kid and it's Christmas!"
Christmas Fishes to you all...
Drinking Mulled Wine.